Advertising in cinema


Advertising in Cinema City

Cinema is a place where viewers experience many positive emotions.
We enrich this experience with an advertising message. We offer our clients the implementation of campaigns on screens and various forms of communication in the space of non-screen cinemas.
Using modern technologies and current trends, it provides unlimited space for creative projects and creates perfect conditions for multi-channel communication and creating a message based on deeper experience.
In New Age Media, each project is treated individually. Based on the brief, we develop ideas and select action scenarios. After the activities are completed, we prepare photographic documentation and post-buy reports.

How does it work

Marketing communication in the cinema guarantees precise reach to the desired recipient in the entire cinema network, in several selected locations or only in one, specific multiplex. Spots can be broadcast only in front of selected films that collect the audience desired by the client, i.e. if the client wants to reach women, they will be romantic comedies if they are parents with children - fairy tales, etc.
In New Age Media, we offer two options for the implementation of the message within one advertising block: a regular or special part (displayed before trailers that are directly before the film). In addition to advertising on a large screen, the cinema also offers space in movie theaters. In this category, called the "off-screen" advertising, there is a lot of room for maneuver.
 Cinema is an attractive medium also due to the group of its recipients. They are usually professionally active people, earners well, educated, open to new things, often opinion leaders.

Advertising in numbers

  • New Age Media Romania offers the possibility of advertising in 255 cinema halls.
  • New Age Media offers the possibility of advertising in a chain of 27 cinemas in 21 of the most important Romanian cities.
  • 89% of the Cinema City spectators are aged between 14-44 years.
  • More than 8.4 millions of tickets were sold in 2023 in Cinema City Romania.

Case studies

Case studies

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