
2 min reading

The most beautiful film of this year's Cannes festival. The Grand Prix-winning Close to Lukas Dhont is a sensual, tender story about the friendship of two 13-year-olds. Léo and Rémi love spending time together, their relationship is intense, spontaneous, lively. However, silly gossip, peer pressure and being lost in a world that is never obvious cause Léo to grow distant and hurt Rémi. No one in contemporary cinema can work with young actors as well as the author of the memorable Girl - truth emanates from every gesture, glance, spoken word of the teenage actors. Dhont talks about the helplessness that is an inseparable element of growing up - who at the age of 13 can assess the strength of their feelings and decisions? The 31-year-old Belgian director does not judge anyone and is guided by extraordinary empathy, which distinguishes only the greatest humanists of world cinema. Near becomes not only a beautifully filmed coming-of-age story, but above all a universal film about accepting one's mistakes and learning to experience the most difficult and painful emotions.