
2 min reading

Astronaut, beer taster, forest ranger, or maybe a comic book author? The last thing that could be accused of the film's main character, Rakel (played by the rising star of Scandinavian cinema Kristine Kujath Thorp), is the lack of ideas for herself. But getting pregnant is certainly not on the long list of plans. And certainly not now. Especially since the girl is not at all sure who the father of the child is. The young woman faces a real dilemma, because she learns about the "problem" in the sixth month of pregnancy, when it is too late to remove it. Meanwhile, the title ninjababy are making themselves felt. Not only due to the growing belly of the heroine, but also becoming the chief commentator on Rakel's life choices. Malicious, painfully honest, but most of all extremely funny. This witty comedy is based on Inga Sætre's great Norwegian comic book "Fallteknikk". The original form, referring to a comic, corresponds in an interesting way with the rebellious content. The film features rude and funny animations in the style of David Shrigley, all with a great sense of humor.