
2 min reading

A terrifying horror film that appeals to one of humanity's greatest fears - the overwhelming fear of spiders. The cast of the film included actors known from the show "Hellboy" and the cult series "The Matrix". The creators of the well-received works "Mandy" and "The Fifth Dimension" are responsible for the production. "The Spider's Nest" is a dark and disturbing film that will please fans of classic horror films: "Critters", "The Mutant" and "The Ticks" and will give chills to all people suffering from arachnophobia. During a raging snowstorm, a mysterious object falls from the sky and breaks through the wall of a New York apartment building. It contains an egg from which an unknown species of spider hatches. The creature is discovered by twelve-year-old Charlotte, who hides her discovery from her parents. The spider she feeds quickly grows to gigantic sizes, and its appetite remains insatiable. When animals and people start dying in the building, Charlotta and her loved ones face an unequal fight against the hungry beast. Do they have any chance against an alien creature that has already tasted blood and human flesh?